Tag Trips

Adventure: Toronto

One snowy day we drove to Toronto. Actually it was on Saturday. We went to the Art Gallery of Toronto. We perused their regular exhibit at a good pace which is common for our family now that it encompasses two…

Chloe Makes A Friend

Chloe and her new friend, Blessing We went to a local church on Sunday. The service was in French and the singing was in the local language. The music was indescribable. Singing only, no instruments. Perfect harmony. It was beautiful…

I’m in Congo, Africa

  We arrived in Congo just after 6am in the morning. The airport is different than any I’ve been in before. Different describes pretty much everything so far. I’m still taking in and processing everything I’ve seen thus far. In…

Days of Play in Paris

  Our last days of Paris are busy and full of fun for the littles. Daddy headed to a few museums and mommy and the littles and I headed to the Menagerie, the oldest zoo in Pairs. It’s a very…

Our Arrival in Paris!

View Full Album Picture 1 Chloe in the Ergo, John in the hotsling after a very long day. (no idea what that face is about!) Picture 2 Chloe and John looking for our place. Picture 3 Chloe and her very…