Beauty, Chaos and Faithfulness

A picture is worth 1000 words? Maybe. If you were to look at most of the pictures that I email to friends or post online, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that my children are always happy…
A picture is worth 1000 words? Maybe. If you were to look at most of the pictures that I email to friends or post online, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that my children are always happy…
Pondering Life in the Garden With the COVID-19, the world has become a different place. Some areas are harder hit than others with the virus, or with the lockdown restrictions. We live in Southern Ontario, Canada. Our area has had…
1:30pm finds my older two out playing in the rain. My youngest is napping. Meanwhile, I’m listening to one of Sarah Fink-Jensen’s Spotify playlists thinking about yesterday’s hard day. “We are not as strong as we think we are” by…
So yesterday Isaac fell down the stairs, and then had a bad seizure. I’m so thankful for the children God gave me. Chloe (10) was a huge blessing in getting me the phone for 911, then gathering what I would…
It seems that the news is constantly filled with terrible, life-changing tragedies. I don’t know if it is that I’m paying more attention to the news in general now, but each day it seems that we wake up to more…
Isaac is missing. We were at the park. He had better things to do than lay under a tree for a group selfie! These days I am very much reveling in my children, in motherhood, in these glorious summer days.…
Oh, winter has it’s season but I am feeling it’s about time for it to end. Then comes the funny part where there is too much snow for Isaac’s wheelchair and not enough for the sleigh. Last week the snow…
A couple weeks ago the children and I did a two hour drive north of Toronto in our old van, and drove back again in our new one. Isn’t she beautiful? A Prayer Journal keeps me focused during my prayer…
Source I had initially posted Peeking Through My Window in March 2012 but happened upon it the other day and thought it was a great time to repost, even if it isn’t March Break…just insert “back to school” or something.…
In 2012, Isaac began having seizures. You know those times when you are almost asleep and you jerk awake? Most of his seizures physically look like that jerk except that he is awake and doing normal activities when they happen.…