A picture is worth 1000 words?

If you were to look at most of the pictures that I email to friends or post online, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that my children are always happy and that we are always doing wonderfully fun and adventurous things; that our life is organized and only beauty-filled.

Now we do have a lot of fun and we often do adventurous things; many times my children are happy and getting along. I do like organization and life is beautiful! Most of the time my house is pretty tidy, too.

But my life is also full of hard things. It’s full of things that make me very very tired both physically and spiritually. Though my youngest is nine, my life is still full of poopie diapers and spaghetti hand marks everywhere. My life is very much like yours; full of wonder and wonderful moments along with the many moments that don’t make it out into the public eye.
But I wouldn’t trade it, this beautiful, messy, and sometimes chaotic life that the Lord has given me, for anything! My children, and all they entail, bring me great joy as the I try raise them for Him and He sanctifies me in the process.
The Lord is my constant companion on this journey and it is His faithfulness that keeps me faithful.

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

- Lovely flowers and delicious pie at the beautiful outdoor reception for my brother and new sister-in-law.
- Fun mail day as we organize and prep for the upcoming homeschool year. Bible, arguing well and drawing comics are some of what we will learn this year.
- The watermelon my daughter grew. Actually three grew but my (special needs) son threw one over the fence so now we only have two. Our cantaloupe also grew quite well despite the guessing in the garden fiasco!
- My daughter doodling a picture of me she snapped, as we hang out in the Emergency Room again!
- The inevitable piles of laundry to be folded after our recent camping trip.