My daughter loves pie. She’s 13 and she decided to try make pie from scratch on her own during the Covid lockdown this spring. She used Barefoot Contessa’s blueberry pie recipe. Her first pie turned out really great. Some, since then, have been better than others as she tweaks recipes and plays around.
Blueberry, cherry, peach…ah, the pie.
This summer she also got the recipe from her friend’s mother for the lasagna she enjoys eating at their house. She did a wonderful job making it and our family enjoyed eating it.
My husband is an excellent cook and I do a fair amount of home-baking for our family.
When the older two were little, they liked to dump and mix ingredients…and of course lick the beater and eat the finished product. To my disappointment, as they got older, neither showed an inclination to graduate from the lick and taste.
It’s been fun (and delicious!) watching her unexpectedly blossom a bit in the kitchen.