Peace with Myself
Source I’m not always happy with myself. How about you? Oh, I’m not talking about the fact that I am never happy with my hair {a whole other story}. I’m talking about inside me. I have a tendency to want…
Source I’m not always happy with myself. How about you? Oh, I’m not talking about the fact that I am never happy with my hair {a whole other story}. I’m talking about inside me. I have a tendency to want…
Source With each decision I make, big or small, I want to remember that His opinion matters; that it is the only opinion that matters! My time, my resources, my all – is given to me as a gift from…
Chloe and John love their Sarah’s Silks dress up clothing. We had the perfect opportunity this week to wear these lovely creations out of the house legitimately. Saturday was the annual Storybook Breakfast fundraiser and the tots had a wonderful…
Mommy and Isaac {20+ lbs @ 8 months} I had the privilege of reviewing a Boba 2G Organic earlier this year. I loved it and thought it worked wonderfully despite Isaac being so young. But between the hypotonia and…
Source Last month, as I reflected on 2011, mentally reviewed my accomplishments, failures and re-evaluated my priorities and pondered the upcoming year, it was as if the Lord audibly whispered, “choose peace”. I’ve mulled that over while I washed dishes,…
“I think I got the heck of it!” ~ John, on buttoning his pants. “Because all those people are bad and going to Helloween.” ~ John, on trick-or-treating. {we had a little discussion about this one! LOL} “My little Coochie”…
Photo by Dezz 10 Reasons You’ll Actually Be Happier in a Smaller Home @ Organizing Your Way – everything on this list and more is exactly why we will be downsizing intentionally. A fresh start as we purge and pack!…
Chloe just turned 5 this month. She’s always had her own style and it almost always makes me smile {and at times outright laugh}! Sweater dress with attached black tutu {Baby Gap}, matching sweater leggings {Baby Gap}, white socks {TCP},…
Thanks to the Happy Housewife, I made Sundae Boxes as gifts for some friends this Christmas. It was fun and easy to put together and hopefully the recipients enjoyed them. In my box I put waffle bowls, caramel sauce,…
You love wearing Oma’s vintage jewels Happy birthday, Chloe! Today you turn 5. You have been so excited, looking forward to this day. “Five is a big number”, you tell me proudly. Five years have passed slowly and quickly.…