Tag Just Life

Spa Baby Bathtub

Since Isaac (19 months) can’t sit up yet, due to his tone issues, his baths get pretty boring lying down. I was pretty excited to find this spa baby bathtub a while back. Isaac likes to sit up and splash…

Crock A Doodle

Chloe and John love craft time. I was delighted to discover  Crock A Doodle – pottery painting fun for all ages. Isaac’s KinderMusik class met there for one class last month and we made a handprint tile. It’s so cute!…

Isaac is 19 Months

{Isaac playing with the potatoes. Mama took them away when he started to eat them. He’s sad.}  Baby Isaac isn’t so babyish anymore! He’s 19 months today. How fast he is growing. He got his first tooth on his first…

Buy Used Tires

 {being towed out backwards} Maybe I’m the only one out of the loop on this but did you know you can buy used tires? And that they’re often really cheap?!? Well, I didn’t! I was chatting with my brother-in-law the…

The Gingerbread House 2012

This year we didn’t assemble a house at home but signed up for a Gingerbread House Workshop at our local President’s Choice Cooking School. The children really enjoyed themselves though I think it wasn’t as fun as the years we’ve…

Family KinderMusik

Photo property of KinderMusik Our family started KinderMusik classes a few weeks back. Isaac’s physiotherapist and speech pathologist both suggested it to me. At first, I wondered if it would be worth it. I mean, I have two other children,…

How To Get and Stop a Nose Bleed

Guest Post as dictated by Chloe, 5 years old There are lots of ways to get a bloody nose: Walking into a wall or banging your nose against some other person’s head When the air is very dry When you…

Paper Antlers and Flourless Cakes

This morning has been productive. The tots are all fed, the kitchen is cleaned, the tots are still in their PJ’s but we have two flourless chocolate cakes in the oven. One made with sugar and one with splenda. Who wants to taste…

A Hunting We Will Go

Fishing with Children was just the first part of our recent trip up to Sioux Lookout in Northern Ontario. We also planned to do some hunting. Having grown up in Sioux Lookout, hunting was a regular part of our fall…