Ergo Baby Carrier Review
View Full Album (I need to ask DH to take our picture more often!) I love it! Buy one; it’s worth every penny! That is the short version. If you have a little more time, please read on! I was…
View Full Album (I need to ask DH to take our picture more often!) I love it! Buy one; it’s worth every penny! That is the short version. If you have a little more time, please read on! I was…
View Full Album It’s Friday night. We just put the littles to bed. We’re going to watch a movie but we’re feeling munchy. We don’t have anything snacky; then DH said, “Let’s make chips”. We (DH) sliced the potatoes super…
Today I had the privilege of doing an Epicure party with my sister as the Hostess. We had a chocolate themed party and it was a lot of fun (and tasty!!). But would you believe I burned the chocolate dips…
Why Be Baptist? “You should get out of the house Syndrome” at Making Home was definitely worth the read! Returning Gifts from Jesus @ (In)Courage was a read that I could relate to. Have you ever said, “Wrong, wrong, wrong”…
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that my Mr. Linky membership is expiring and I have decided not to renew it. It has been fun (encouraging and keeps me accountable!) to write Tune-Up Tuesdays however, though some…
(I thought for sure I had taken a picture of our chicken but I guess we only got a picture of us making it. Sorry about that LOL. At least she’s cute right?!) Chicken Breasts, Legs or Thighs (Bone In!)…
View Full Album On Saturday Chloe and I attended the 3rd Annual Kids Can Fly Storybook Breakfast with friends. This was the first time I had ever heard of it but we had a great time despite what the…
View Full Album I was excited to have the opportunity to review some products from Fresh Organics. I received these a while back and have used them over the course of 6 weeks. While my usual product testing period…
Source If you were hoping to read a post about how to get it together, you will be disappointed. This post is more about “getting it” together; an invitation to join me as I (once again!) embark on that journey.…
Source Last week I was sick. I’m not always a good mother when I get sick. Well, I know I am lacking in may areas even when I am not sick but when I am sick, it isn’t always pretty.…