I’m in Congo, Africa
We arrived in Congo just after 6am in the morning. The airport is different than any I’ve been in before. Different describes pretty much everything so far. I’m still taking in and processing everything I’ve seen thus far. In…
We arrived in Congo just after 6am in the morning. The airport is different than any I’ve been in before. Different describes pretty much everything so far. I’m still taking in and processing everything I’ve seen thus far. In…
Our last days of Paris are busy and full of fun for the littles. Daddy headed to a few museums and mommy and the littles and I headed to the Menagerie, the oldest zoo in Pairs. It’s a very…
View Full Album The past several days have been filled with adventure, good eating, naps and a lot of walking! I would like to remind everyone that with limited internet access, I am not answering emails until I return unless…
View Full Album Picture 1 Chloe in the Ergo, John in the hotsling after a very long day. (no idea what that face is about!) Picture 2 Chloe and John looking for our place. Picture 3 Chloe and her very…
View Full Album Last summer I had the privilege to review Teva Psyclone sandals for Chloe. Go ahead and read the review but the fact that I bought the same sandals for Chloe and John this year should speak volumes.…
View Full Album My home is a disaster. I wish this post was a “before and after” which would mean it was a mess but now it is clean; alas, that is not the case. As I sit here…
Source Dear Air France, I’d like to make a suggestion; use your head and don’t change the seat reservation for a three year old. She’s probably sitting in that seat for a reason; she’s with her parents. I fly out…
This post is for ladies only. For the handful of men who I know read this blog; consider yourself warned!! The past year for economical, health and earth-related reasons, our family has been re-evaluating everything that we buy, use, dispose…
Photo by Lif… Last week I asked about teaching little ones obedience without fussing. I was getting a little frustrated with my littles (1 1/2 and 3). We’re leaving soon, I’ve a lot to do and anything that they have…
View Full Album Routine at our house has flown out the window. The little ones had mild symptoms from their Typhoid and Yellow Fever shots (for Africa), then they caught bad colds and we dealt with that for a week…