DIY: Easy Art Display Clothesline
Wondering how to display artwork in your child’s room without a bulletin board or traditional methods? Why not a clothes line? I saw Work of Art Clips at Land of Nod and thought I’d do my own spin on…
Wondering how to display artwork in your child’s room without a bulletin board or traditional methods? Why not a clothes line? I saw Work of Art Clips at Land of Nod and thought I’d do my own spin on…
2009 Each Christmas we take the littles to get their pictures done and I update this frame in our entry way each year. When I update the frame, I put the previous year’s photos in an album. It’s fun to…
Get Moving! This week we had beautiful weather where all the snow had melted, then we got a whole bunch more. With the fluctuation of weather, it was inevitable that the littles are battling colds; Chloe more so than John.…
During Project: Simplify we’ve done the the Master Bedroom Closet and paper clutter. I am still working on part two of paper clutter but also accomplished the third hot spot: children’s clothing and toys. Tackling the children’s clothing and kids…
Last summer we were enjoying one of our many picnics at Webster’s Falls. Chloe was 3 and John was 2. These top two photos were the first pictures Chloe ever took. Fairly centered, I think she did well. We’ll work…
My parents invited my littles and I to their time-share condo in Collingwood, ON for a few days over March break. My sister and her five boys were there as well. What a getaway we had. There was craft time…
(the wall art is my DH’s) Well if I was hesitant about the first assignment of Project: Simplify (the Master Bedroom Closet), I was crestfallen to hear that paper clutter would be the second challenge. My home is pretty organized.…
We received the BecoPotty by BecoThings as part of the Simply Baby Series from Fulton Sales, their Canadian distributor. I was ecstatic. When I was pregnant with our first, Chloe, I thought about EC’ing. I loved the concept and since…
This is Patches the Bear. He arrived to visit our family on February 17th. His timing was perfect since February 23rd marked 5 years since we lost Isaiah in a miscarriage that broke our hearts. In 2009, I felt led…
I love homemade lemonade and first started making it years ago after watching Barefoot Contessa do it on Food TV while entertaining. After tasting it, I’m hooked! Store-bought just doesn’t compare. Lemons Water Crushed Ice Super Fine Sugar KitchenAid Simple…