Five Minute Friday: Ordinary


My children love to throw the laundry down the stairs. It’s great fun. Then they go down the stairs, and haul it into the laundry room where they sort it by person rather than color no matter how many times I remind them. Laundry is pretty ordinary around here. Dirty and clean.  You’ll find it piled on my bed when it’s clean. I sort it, fold it and put it away. Or sometimes I just move the pile to the chair so we can go to sleep at night. It goes either way, depending on the day.

Most days I love my life, just as it is. The good days, bad days and ordinary days. But there are times that I loathe the little mundane tasks, longing to be doing something a little more important than washing the floor {again!}. And then I remember how extraordinarily blessed I am. I remember that it is because of these extraordinary blessings in my life that I can have these beautiful ordinary days that I love so much.

Feed them, clothe them, bathe, cuddle and love them. That’s an extraordinary ordinary day! Thank you, Lord!

What is your favorite ordinary moment of the day?

  • I’m participating in Five Minute Friday since 5 minutes seems to be about all I have these days!


  1. Very cool ordinary day! My favorite part of an ordinary day is when Little Bit stops his constant running for a moment for a little snuggle. They are brief but I adore them <3

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