Five Minute Friday: Growing


The mis-matched seeds in the little red pot on the window sill come to life; drinking up their water, basking in the sun and lifting their heads upwards. Each time Chloe eats a piece of fruit, she carefully saves her seeds. We have peach, apple and orange seeds planted in this pot. {I don’t tell her that I throw most of them out when she isn’t looking! We’ll start another pot but she eats a lot of fruit…}

Sweet Isaac is four months old. A little more if you count by weeks rather than calendar months. It’s been three months since we came home from the NICU. How he has grown. His sweet smile that takes up his whole face when one of our family walks in the room. He has special smiles for Chloe and John which make my heart melt.

My eyes still tear up as I think about the miracle that is Isaac and about those moments when I didn’t know. But I’ve grown too. Learning to embrace that we will never know- for any of us – just how long we have.


Feel free to share a thought on growing and have a beautiful weekend!

For the first time, I’m participating in Five Minute Friday since 5 minutes seems to be about all I have these days!


  1. From reading the words of your heart, it sounds as though Chloe and sweet little Isaac have a wonderful, nurturing evironment in which to grow….full of love, prayers and a knowledge of God…a strong and GODLY foundation on which to build their lives.

    Rejoicing with you as YOU marvel at the seeds God himself has placed in your red heart, and the beauty of you yourself growing in HIM as you watch your little ones grow-


  2. This is a great post since there are still new bloggers coming everyday and some of other bloggers still don’t know about this thing.

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