Tot School: Swimming & BecoPotty



We’ve been swimming a couple times in the past few weeks. The littles have enjoyed it and so have I. I feel light and graceful in the water, two words I certainly wouldn’t use to describe myself out of water right now. I’m 28 weeks along and feeling quite pregnant!

Lots of Painting

We haven’t done a lot of school this week since I painted our TV room (the littles helped a little) and discovered my vision for spring cleaning when I painted my bedroom.



We did work on our Kumon books a little this week; John was quite pleased the other day that the color was orange – his favorite color! He worked intently on his carrot. He’s such a cutie!


BecoPotty and Potty Training

Thanks to Michelle at Fulton Sales, I have an upcoming review and giveaway for a BecoPotty that I am excited about. We started trying to potty train John just before his second birthday this summer  but it didn’t really go well. We decided to give it a break and try again in a few months. I am {not so secretly} hoping to be well on our potty-training way with John before our baby arrives in May. If he isn’t ready, then he isn’t ready and I’ll have two in cloth diapers, which I’ve done before. But I’d sure love it if he was ready now! I’m hoping that having his own little potty will help speed things up. Since this week will be entirely focused on potty-training, I imagine we’ll have a lot of books to share next week.

How was your week with tots? (and feel free to comment with your best potty-training tip).

One comment

  1. Best potty training tip I got was from my Mom who handled 4 of us just fine, And her tip was “when they’re ready, they’re ready” and there is no point in pushing a child who is not ready. When my son decided he was ready, he just got it. He was 3 1/2, but I think boys often are later. I think my daughter will be earlier.

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