Category Parenting

God’s Hidden Gems

 Photo Credit In a castle so grand, There lived a sweet lass; Who flopped on her bed, And picked up her looking glass. She sighed at the image, And wrinkled her face; She lowered her head, And cried in disgrace.…

Happy Mother’s Day

   Photo by Chloe Motherhood isn’t easy. Not if you’re doing it right! Motherhood isn’t about happiness, though it is a byproduct sometimes. But motherhood is a beautiful calling, a blessed privilege, an amazing opportunity, an incredible responsibility and the…

Mud My Day

Spring. Mud. Children. FUN! I loved mud as a child. We lived in the country so no paved driveway for us. A nightmare for my parents perhaps but a delight for us as children! While mud doesn’t give me quite…

A Compliment for Mommy

The other day as I was helping my tots get into their snow clothes to go outside to play {for all too short a time before coming in to get undressed because it’s cold}, Chloe looked at me and said,…

Peace Without Guilt

When Isaac was admitted to the NICU at the hospital in a neighboring city, we didn’t know how long he would be there. I wasn’t breastfeeding because he didn’t have the stamina for bottle or breast. I was pumping and…