Five Minute Friday: Goodbye House

IMG_0465 (Sept 2005, Our New House #1)

Today we got the keys to our new house. This weekend we say goodbye to our old house. The house that we chose as a newly engaged couple. The house I walked into as a newly wed and am leaving as a married woman and mother of three.

Oh, how our family has changed. How I have changed!

 IMG_9844 (April 2012, Our New House #2)

In this house we’ve had ups and downs. We’ve had some fights, and then made up, we’ve miscarried a baby (Isaiah) and then homebirthed Chloe, John and Isaac here.

Yes, this house has been good to us.

But as I say goodbye, I’m not really sad; I’m taking all my family and all my memories to our new house! And I know that our new house will become home the minute we walk through the door!

Goodbyes are often the only thing that can open up the door to the next chapter!


  1. I love the last line!! Too often we dwell on the goodbye and not the thrill of what the next chapter might be. Thanks for such a lovely post!

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