Little By Little Every Day

image Source justmakeit

Little by little every day
Little by little in every way
Jesus is changing me
Since I’ve made a turn about face
I’ve been growing in His grace
Jesus is changing me

He’s changing me, my precious Jesus
I’m not the same person that I used to be
Some times it’s slow going
but there’s a knowing
That one day perfect I will be.

While I do the ironing, the littles usually listen to a singing CD and play “parade” where they march around with tambourines, drums etc. and sing. The above song has been stuck in my head for a week now. It’s a catchy tune but I think that the Lord put this little song on my heart to help me take it to heart.

Sometimes I am frustrated at the rate of growth in my life and my shortcomings as woman, wife and mother. There is no question at all that I am growing; becoming more spiritually mature, closer to the Lord,  a better wife, a wiser mother…but it seems to be a really slow process. Sometimes I get impatient; I’m ready to ‘arrive’ already!

This is not a new battle for me. I shared the following post in July of 2009:

I love ‘self-help’ books. I have a vast collection of books, mostly by Christian authors, which were written to help me be a better Christian woman, a better wife, a more loving mother, more organized as a home-maker…the list goes on. Elizabeth George is one of my favorite authors! When I read these books, I am inspired, encouraged, motivated…and sometimes (*gasp*)…discontent!

Philippians 4:11

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

I’ve read Philippians 4:11 hundreds of times and heard it quoted several hundred times at least. I immediately associate it with contentment pertaining to material and financial state.

But, of course, this applies to our spiritual contentment as well. I Peter 1:15-16 calls us to be Holy as He is. Each day our goal should be to emulate Christ in our actions, thoughts and attitudes. When I look at where I want to be, every area of my life is grossly lacking, but God designed sanctification to be a process.

  1. He will finish what He started (Philippians 1:6) from the inside out.
  2. He will do it in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. It happens little by little and bit by bit.

As we willingly submit to Him, He will gently guide, direct and help us to change. We need to be content to let Him do it in His time.

Lord, help me not to compare myself to others or to where I think I should be. Help me to remember that short-comings are opportunities to look to You for help and strength. Help me to trust in Your timing!

And this week, as I reflected on this little song and these verses, my prayer is still the same. Help me to trust You, Lord, for transformation and conformation little by little, day by day.


  1. Jenn, what could be a more wonderful transformation? Becoming like Christ is what we all need to strive for!!!
    This was a blessing to my heart today, because at this very moment I am struggling with the exact same thing!
    I am finally starting to come to terms with where I am, and realize that baby steps are how I will get “there”.
    And just so you know, I will be taking that little prayer you have about shortcomings, and looking to God, and trusting Him, and will be placing it in my Bible and somewhere else that I will read it every day to be an encouragement to me daily!

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