Tag Just Life

Safety is Important!

Our Monday Morning Baking! Aren’t we safe? On Saturday we made a quick trip to Walmart to purchase canning jars to organize our spice cupboard. While we were there we bought Chloe her first bike helmet…in a gender neutral color…

Tune-Up Tuesday: Second Chances

A google search of the word ‘Tune-Up’ revealed the following definition: An Adjustment for Better Functioning A search for the definition of ‘Adjustment’ revealed the following: A Small Change, A Minor Correction, A Modification More on Tune-Up Tuesday here.——————————————————————————————————————- I…


Participating in Spring Cleaning for Normal People over at Biblical Womanhood I tackled my kitchen.* I am somewhat embarrassed to show you before pictures. Before I show them to you let me emphasize that although the cupboards were unorganized –…


And as promised….here is a picture of my fabulous Reitmans umbrella I mentioned here. *** I really do love to shop at Reitmans. *** Their clothing is affordable and they usually have sales and a mark-down rack for an extra…

Ready for the Weekend!

I have donned my apron (see why here), put on some inspirational music and am ready to go! Though my little ones are still sick, especially the baby, I hope to pull my home together today. No spring cleaning, just…

Cupcakes Completed!

Well yesterday was a very busy day! I posted my blog entry and began praying about my day. As I mentioned yesterday, my spring cleaning was put on hold before it really started. Amazingly my sick, sweet John-John fell asleep…

Spring Cleaning on Hold

Well I had intended on joining in the spring cleaning challenge at Biblical Womanhood but as the name reminds us – it is for normal people and normal people have interuptions. Interuptions like sick and fussy little ones, a messy…