Allowance in Our Family

Why an Allowance? We have always given our children offering for church; “money for Jesus” they have called it since they could first speak and tottle off to their toddler class. Usually it was a quarter – sometimes two. One…
Why an Allowance? We have always given our children offering for church; “money for Jesus” they have called it since they could first speak and tottle off to their toddler class. Usually it was a quarter – sometimes two. One…
The tots got a magazine from McDonalds a while back that had a pop bottle birdhouse craft in it. Since moving here last spring and hanging up our first ever feeder, our family has become bird watchers. The tots love,…
It’s been a few weeks since I had the opportunity to go to the Mom Heart Conference. I’m still processing, working through and implementing the things I heard and learned. I’m a slow processor. Something that I came home from…
Last fall a friend of mine, Brianna {Heart(h) Management}, whom I have never met in real life, invited me to attend Mom Heart. I’d never heard of it and had barely heard of Sally Clarkson. On a whim, I said…
Chloe and John love craft time. I was delighted to discover Crock A Doodle – pottery painting fun for all ages. Isaac’s KinderMusik class met there for one class last month and we made a handprint tile. It’s so cute!…
Today began with a flurry of excitement; some new birds at the feeder. Immediately Chloe is grabbing our bird book and thrusting it at me. What kind of bird is it mom?!?! Feathery Friends of Our Feeders Chickadees Blue…
Well, we’re using Sonlight’s Core A with Chloe and P4/5 for John. Isaac is just tagging along enjoying life. We had a fun box day – unpacking all our fun new goodies – then daddy helped the kids cut up…
Our church supports many missionaries around the world. Every Sunday during Sunday school class we read a letter from one of the missionary families, hearing about the work that God is doing through them in their little little corner of…
Tonight was the first night we had a fire in the backyard since moving to the new house. We roasted hotdogs for dinner! We all loved it {though poor daddy’s allergies were going crazy today!} We spent a lot of…
I just transferred a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer. I collected all the rocks from the bottom of the washer and relocated them to the yard. After starting the dryer, I shut it off, rifled through…