Peace with Myself

Source I’m not always happy with myself. How about you? Oh, I’m not talking about the fact that I am never happy with my hair {a whole other story}. I’m talking about inside me. I have a tendency to want…
Source I’m not always happy with myself. How about you? Oh, I’m not talking about the fact that I am never happy with my hair {a whole other story}. I’m talking about inside me. I have a tendency to want…
Source Last month, as I reflected on 2011, mentally reviewed my accomplishments, failures and re-evaluated my priorities and pondered the upcoming year, it was as if the Lord audibly whispered, “choose peace”. I’ve mulled that over while I washed dishes,…
Photo Credit What is the Real Cost? There is a cost to most things you have, though often it is hidden. I’m sure you can think of more but some of the costs that spring to my mind immediately…
Photo Credit Leaving It All Two and a half years ago, my grandfather died and my grandmother’s health began deteriorating. She put their beautiful, spacious 4 bedroom home up for sale. She put some belongings in my dad’s pick-up truck…
Since my mom had the tots the other day, I thought I would finish tacking my desk. My desk was an absolute disaster and I had tackled part of it this spring. Today I finished it up and I am…
Medicine Cupboard Cleanout! Empty the area one item at a time. Check the expiry of each item; toss any that have expired. {A google search revealed several sites that suggest that flushing isn’t a good idea.} Group like items…
When Chloe first started coloring and doing crafts, we cherished every one and found somewhere to display it. With two preschoolers in the house suddenly we are overwhelmed with artwork and creations. While I still take time to admire each…
Last week Chloe got hold of a dry erase black marker and had a hay-day in her room during nap time. Doors, walls, desk, laundry basket, bathroom and her quilt! A combination of Epicure’s All Purpose Cleaner, a Magic Eraser…
Wondering how to display artwork in your child’s room without a bulletin board or traditional methods? Why not a clothes line? I saw Work of Art Clips at Land of Nod and thought I’d do my own spin on…
During Project: Simplify we’ve done the the Master Bedroom Closet and paper clutter. I am still working on part two of paper clutter but also accomplished the third hot spot: children’s clothing and toys. Tackling the children’s clothing and kids…