Photo by Dezz
Well, it’s Saturday morning I am attending our ladies brunch at The Greens at Renton with our church ladies. A yummy brunch, a special inspirational speaker and good friends. I’m excited. As soon as I get home, we’re off to stay at the Sheraton in Toronto. I mentioned that we were having a Thanksgiving Grand Finale tonight and that is where we are going because we are using points and it costs us nothing!
I read so many great posts through October. When you have a minute, have a peek at these!
Encouraging Husbands During Financial Trials @ At the Well has some really great points; most importantly, we as wives need to guard our own hearts regarding contentment. It’s too easy to become bogged down with the weight of the world when we think about things that are in "tomorrow" (college costs, retirement, how are we going to pay our heating bill this winter, and so on), while missing out on the blessings of serving the Lord, being a helper to our husbands, and mother to our children in the here and now. We can’t control the future, and our anxiety isn’t going to make the situation better…it’s only going to sap today of its joy and strength. I often battle with contentment issues. How about you?
Prince Charming’s Not a Fairy Tale, He’s a Myth @ Like A Warm Cup of Coffee had some interesting thoughts as well. I love romance movies and fiction, especially Christian historical fiction and even before my reading time dwindled due to children, I had been cutting back because I found that I was getting unrealistic expectations and ideas.
Repairing and Constructing @ By His Grace had some great reminders about what can be accomplished while waiting!
Mean Girls @ At The Well caught my eye because raising a little girl, I want to instill in her from the very beginning the importance not excluding others.
Things I Love @ A High and Nobel Calling inspired me to love my home more. I love my home and my beautiful calling; wifehood and motherhood, but I know I can love more! Especially on those days. Stephanie has a beautiful site, packed full of encouraging material.
Beginnings @ The Well had one phrase that has been my prayer this month to "set about diligently to be someone worth emulating; that I remember all my daily tasks are to be done as unto the Lord" My little Chloe is looking to me to see biblical womanhood is played out in real life.
What NOT to Regret @ Clover Lane reinforced to me that staying at home is the right decision for our family right now and completely worth any sacrifice that we need to make it happen.
Home Made Car Air Freshener @ Little House in the Suburbs looks really cute and easy to make (an essential for me!). I think I am going to give this a try for some Christmas gifts for neighbors and such. If I do (and they turn out well LOL), I will share a picture for sure!
Thanks for the great links!
Wow, you have a super lineup of links there! Thank you so much for those!
Also, off topic but I have the Spy Party details up on my blog now! 🙂