How to Have a Great Week!

I mentioned that I was in a slump. The main reason? Loss of focus! I spent some much needed time in prayer, and had a wonderful visit with my mother last week. Unfortunately, my little John has been up every hour or so the past two nights and therefore I could really use some sleep but aside from that, I am completely geared up to have a great week!

What is a Great Week?

A great week is not necessarily checking off everything on a long to do list but, rather, a great week is made up of days where I live each day with eternity’s values in view.

I’m trying something out this week. I put a calendar page on my nightstand with a pen and each evening I am going to put an X through the days that I feel were good ones regardless of what tasks I actually completed!

Definition of a Good Day:

Spending time in the Word. With littles, it may or may not be the time for deep devotions with the Lord. Some days yes, some days no. The Lord can use any time we spend in His Word to speak to us so a verse, a chapter or an entire book all count!

Spending time in Prayer. How I would love to do as the song talks about and spend a sweet hour in prayer. I have so many things to pray about, so many blessings to be thankful for and so many people to pray for that I could easily spend a solid hour praying. Alas, that time is hard to come by these days. But you know if you are awake for 15 hours and each hour you spend 4 minutes praying then you will have spend that sweet hour in prayer! Just try it while while you wash up the dishes, or fold the laundry. Those precious minutes that you pray while doing other things are probably the moments that you are accomplishing the most in your day!

Blessing My Family. How? By balancing the care of my home with time spent with them! Of course there is housework to be done and the fruits of that will, without a doubt, bless our families but we also need to bless them with our time and attention. My sweet little Chloe is 2 and wouldn’t notice if I washed the floor once a week or once a month and spot cleaned as needed. She will certainly notice the number of books I sit and read with her! Mommy’s Idea Book talks about balance here and no doubt there are many more great blog posts out there on balance because it is something that we all still struggle with!

Starting Afresh When Needed. A Path Made Straight had this post about Taking Back the Day and I think about it so often! I am thankful that His mercies are new every morning and that He is a God of second chances!

Now I hope that I get the tasks on my to-do list done this week but regardless of what tasks I get done, if at the end of the week more days than not are crossed off with an X (indicating a good day), then, I think that I will do a little happy dance in celebration of a great week! And maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll post a picture of that happy dance next week!


  1. This is a great article Jennifer. I like your idea of marking the good days off on the calendar so you can visually see how your week has been at it’s end. I hope you have a great week, and thanks for mentioning me.

  2. This is wonderful. And I am excited that yesterday was almost right on track… here's to a good week!


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