Medicine Cupboard Organization

Medicine Cupboard 

Medicine Cupboard Cleanout!

  • Empty the area one item at a time.
  • Check the expiry of each item; toss any that have expired. {A google search revealed several sites that suggest that flushing isn’t a good idea.}
  • Group like items together.
  • Wash out the area. Find appropriate containers or baskets that work for the area.

We bought some HE light bulbs and they came in this plastic case. We’ve used the bulbs and now the case has been sitting in my laundry room as I pondered what to do with it. Then, I realized it would be perfect for our medicines. I can easily see what is in there without riffling through a shelf or basket. It’s also portable with the fancy little handle.  While this container isn’t childproof – it does require a couple snaps to open so that is a bit of a deterrent to little fingers.

I also have three baskets from the dollar store. One houses bandages and gauze, one houses aloe vera along with peroxide etc. and the last one contains various creams and lotions for diaper rash, Chloe’s eczema etc.

I’m just so pleased with myself for finding a use for this container and I’m so happy to have all my medicines so well organized.

{For the record: Our medicine cupboard is underneath the sink in an extra bathroom. We have a special closure on the cupboard and the door to that bathroom is kept closed, with a child-proof door cover on it.}

Have you ever did a little happy dance when you discover the perfect container for something?


  1. What a great idea. Thanks. I will buy a scrapbooking storage container shaped like yours and make one for myself.

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