Year 2010

Apple Picking 2006

  Earlier I shared a wonderful (in my humble opinion) collage of our apple picking adventures this year. Then I came across this photo. We’d been married 1 1/2 years and were just expecting Chloe. {it was also taken with…

What’s in a Tone?

  Photo by Tambacko I’m going to say a sentence three times out loud while I type and I want you to tell me what the difference between each sentence is. This is what my family does. This is what…

Yes, Baby!

                          May 27, 2011 life is going to change. This post links to Gratituesday & Wordless Wednesdays Have you entered the Spa Gift Certificate Giveaway? 9/30 Worldwide!

Celebrating Carrots

I can vividly recall the cool fall days, the smell of the earth, the cold water from the hose splashing as I wash the dirt clumps clinging to the bright orange carrot I just pulled from Grandma’s garden. I remember…

You Put WHAT Up Your Nose?

photo by policeblue999 Wednesday night we picked GiGi up from the airport; she’s here for a visit and the littles were elated. We headed to Mezes; my all time favorite Greek restaurant where the kalamari and Tzatziki is amazing. The…