When My Calling Doesn’t Feel Beautiful

Beautiful day ... by Gattou/Lucie/problem with computer !.


Last week I was sick. I’m not always a good mother when I get sick. Well, I know I am lacking in may areas even when I am not sick but when I am sick, it isn’t always pretty. I sometimes get grumpy, impatient and snappish. I get behind in my tasks, I look around, overwhelmed.

Life in the trenches isn’t always pretty. Family is made up of individuals who all have different personalities. People get sick. Life with littles is messy; runny noses, dirty diapers, potty-training disasters, toilet overflows and the list goes on. My heart went out to Beth when I read of her diaper disaster.

We’ve all been there. Sometimes it doesn’t feel beautiful…but it is!

Each day we have amazing and beautiful opportunities to pour our love out on our families; to serve them. They aren’t necessarily glamorous and they’re not always recognized by others. Some of these “opportunities” are not ones we would choose ourselves or the timing of the “opportunity” may really stink but our attitude determines it all. Our calling, as wives and mothers, becomes beautiful to us when we embrace those opportunities with arms open.

Thank you, Lord, for my family. Help me to embrace all these moments You’ve given me, even ‘those’ moments I’d rather not have.