The First Day of Frost

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I don’t think Chloe remembers snow from last year. It wasn’t even 8:00am and she was dressed and outside exploring the frost and exclaiming, “Snow! Snow!” She was so excited 🙂

Shortly there after she was back inside informing me that she was, “So Freezing!” Some breakfast and a blanket worked wonders.

Thank you Lord, for frosty days and warm fireplaces!


And John just stayed inside and entertained himself.


  • This post is linked to Gratituesday @ Heavenly Homemakers  and it definitely took less than 30 minutes to write. Join the 30 Minute Challenge here.


  1. Yeah for frost! I couldn't see what part of the world you're blogging from.
    When will you get snow?

  2. Thanks for all the comments. John is a funny little boy for sure!

    Gratituesday is an awesome meme. It really makes me think about things that I am thankful for and usually involves some aspect of my family. Win-Win!

    I'm from Southern Ontario and we usually have snow by now. I originally am from Northern Ontario where we get snow the beginning of October!

    Jenn 🙂

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