Tag Just Funny

Tiny Tidbits 04.2015

About the Pics Chloe received TJ Bear for her first Christmas from her Granny and Grandpa. Every day before noon-nap or before bedtime in the evening, she had a TJ Bear story. Here is our last picture with TJ Bear.…

Tiny Tidbits 01.14

Chloe: 7 years, John: 5 years, Isaac: 2 1/2 years My birthday is January 8th and Chloe’s is the 9th. On January 7th, someone asked Chloe what the next day was and I believe that they were expecting her to…

Tiny Tidbits 10.13

  Chloe, John and Isaac with Grandpa in the Gator “Mom, I’m being Initiative” ~ Chloe, on cleaning the bathroom and her bedroom the other morning. {Thanks Patch the Pirate for your inspiring song “Initiative, that’s the way, to make…

Tiny Tidbits 8.13

*John and Chloe were invited as guests to a Vacation Bible School. John and Chloe were in separate classes, which hardly happens since they are only 1 grade apart and then, since they are both younger than their friends, they…

Random Conversation

Chloe (6): I’d like to get a horse. I’m going to learn to be a cowgirl. John (4): Chloe no. A horse is too much responser-bility and they cost lots of money. Maybe you could get a fish. They don’t…