Tiny Tidbits 04.2015

About the Pics Chloe received TJ Bear for her first Christmas from her Granny and Grandpa. Every day before noon-nap or before bedtime in the evening, she had a TJ Bear story. Here is our last picture with TJ Bear.…
About the Pics Chloe received TJ Bear for her first Christmas from her Granny and Grandpa. Every day before noon-nap or before bedtime in the evening, she had a TJ Bear story. Here is our last picture with TJ Bear.…
Chloe: 7 years, John: 5 years, Isaac: 2 1/2 years My birthday is January 8th and Chloe’s is the 9th. On January 7th, someone asked Chloe what the next day was and I believe that they were expecting her to…
Chloe, John and Isaac with Grandpa in the Gator “Mom, I’m being Initiative” ~ Chloe, on cleaning the bathroom and her bedroom the other morning. {Thanks Patch the Pirate for your inspiring song “Initiative, that’s the way, to make…
*John and Chloe were invited as guests to a Vacation Bible School. John and Chloe were in separate classes, which hardly happens since they are only 1 grade apart and then, since they are both younger than their friends, they…
Chloe (6): I’d like to get a horse. I’m going to learn to be a cowgirl. John (4): Chloe no. A horse is too much responser-bility and they cost lots of money. Maybe you could get a fish. They don’t…
No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.. When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don’t let her brush your hair. If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. They always catch the second person. Never…