Category Uncategorized

I’m a Princess!

Yes, you read it right. I am a princess! A daughter of the King of kings, royalty, joint heirs with Christ. I’ve got a mansion waiting for me. I wonder if it is pink? Maybe you’re a princess too –…

Fantastic Giveaways

UBP Giveaways – Get in on them fast! Limited time only as part of the UBP there is a $100 Cash giveaway. Certainly one you won’t want to miss. Go there now. Fabulous Natural Soaps Giveaway. Go there Now! And…

Tune-Up Tuesday: Double Love Dare Challenge 1

A google search of the word ‘Tune-Up’ revealed the following definition: An Adjustment for Better Functioning A search for the definition of ‘Adjustment’ revealed the following: A Small Change, A Minor Correction, A Modification More on Tune-Up Tuesday here.————————————————————————————————- Love…

Beautiful Life Management Giveaway Winners!

Our BLMS giveaway has ended. Don’t forget that you can still request your FREE E-book from GraceWorks. Click on the image above to go there! ———————————————————————————————- Before I announce the winners – I would like to invite all of you…