She Speaks Proverbs 31 Ministries Opportunity

I just stumbled across the most amazing opportunity that I must share with you. The opportunity to win a scholarship to the 2009 She Speaks Conference by Proverbs 31 Ministries! Imagine the opportunity to learn and better equip yourself to be the writer, speaker or leader that the Lord is calling you to be. I’m imagining this right now.

I am new to the blogging world, and if you peek here, you can see why I am here! I have a strong desire to grow in Christ, and to reach others for Him through my day to day life (as ordinary as it is). Sometimes I feel that my verbal communication skills are lacking and find that I am much better at communicating my thoughts through writing. I was so excited to see that some of the most widely read blog authors will be there! What a fantastic opportunity to learn how to blog more effectively.

The speaking workshops also hold promise. I have always been shy at public speaking. Perhaps terrified is more the word I am looking for. I know that Christ equips those that He calls. Moses is a great example of that. I am involved in our special Sunday School class at church and am learning to be more comfortable speaking in front of others. It has been a stretching experience. Not always comfortable, and on my own I would certainly not be able to get up there on Sundays. With the encouragement of Ruth, my dear Titus 2 mentor/friend, and of course the Grace of God, each Sunday I feel that I grow a little more. I pray that as I accept these tasks and challenges from the Lord, He will give me strength and courage to accept new ones.

As mentioned above, Christ equips those that He Calls. I don’t need to attend this workshop for the Lord to give me the essentials I need to complete the tasks He will lay in my path. And neither do you, my dear reader! But oh, He could certainly use the workshops as a tool couldn’t he?

Unless the Lord opens the door and I end up with a scholarship, in this season of my life, our financial situation doesn’t allow me to go. But it was wonderful read about it, dream about it and post about it. Perhaps it will be me who is chosen to attend (hurray!) but if not then it may be through my post that someone else participates in the contest. Perhaps they will win, attend and learn that which is needed so that they are equipped to do that which the Lord has called them to do. Since we know that the Lord works all things out, we never know exactly how He will use what we do, but we know it will be for good.


  1. Hey, Jenn! Wouldn’t that be fun? But this year I think I might have to pass–since I’ll have a wee new Little Bit at that point. But I poked around the site and it looks so great!

    I agree. God uses the weak things in this world to show His glory!

  2. Hi Jenn–thanks for stopping by RefreshMoments and inviting me to take a look at this. I’m kind of percolating a post on the topic too; like you, I’d take a scholarship as confirmation that I was meant to go. Being on the opposite coast I’d have travel to consider too, but it would be a tremendous blessing to be there–for whomever gets to go!

  3. I went last year and had a blast. It will exceed your wildest imaginings. Hope you can go!


  4. I also feel like I express myself better by writing then by speaking!!

    Praying for your dream and wishing you luck in the contest!

  5. I cant figure out how to post a comment and enter in the contests on other peoples sites!! This is very frustrating because I acttualy dont have alot of time to spend on the computer andits so anying with the free stuff or chances to win 100!! Anyway your blogs i enjoy!!Love a frustated Sandy ps does this mean I have a chance to win the apron???

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