What’s Technical Animal Fat?


While driving home from our Washington trip, we saw this sign on a truck. Both of us wondered what technical animal fat was.

I googled it and found a sign-spotting site that had a similar photo with the caption, “not intended for human consumption”. Doesn’t sound like something I’d want to eat anyway, but what’s it for?!?


  1. That’s funny!

    My guess is that it’s animal fat used for some technical function? Google isn’t much help… but it looks like it has something to do with rendered fat and the glue/other-stuff they make from it. [shrug]


  2. I have no idea! but it does sound odd…

    At work we have a fridge that holds science stuff and we have a sticker on it that says “not for human consumption”. – DUH!

    thanks for linking up your WW.


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