Tot School: An Intro into ABC’s


“I don’t know my ABC’s”

I’ve never taught my children their ABC’s. Not the song, not what they are, what they look like. It’s not a priority for me. Yes, Chloe has friends who know them all, can write them and maybe even read them but I am confident that she won’t be hindered at all by me not worrying about them at all at this stage.

Leapfrog Phonics Fridge Magnets

My mother-in-law bought the littles the Leapfrog Phonics Fridge Magnets in both English and French for Chloe’s second Christmas. They drove us crazy on the fridge but after purchasing a magnetic board for the wall in the play area, we found it fine. The littles literally learned the ABC song from playing with that, no interference from us. Apparently Chloe also learned some actual letter recognition as well.

Practicing Letters

Lately she has been asking about letters and words so this week we started practicing tracing some letters. We also dug out our Melissa and Doug See and Spell for the first time. We looked at all the letters and an alphabet chart. Then we spelled the word Orange; the same word we had traced. Then we picked out the letters for her name. This was a huge hit with her. She was so excited to see her name spelled in letters.  Then both her and John enjoyed finding the right letters to spell the word on the picture.

On Sunday, Chloe came home so excited. At church, they each have a hook with their name on it and she noticed that her friend, Claire, starts with C just like she does. Wow, they grasp it fast when they are ready and interested!

A Merry-Go-Round of Sickness

This week John was sick with a fever and rash for a few days, then Chloe had a fever one day and then it was gone. Monday afternoon I started to feel rough, Tuesday I was so sick. I almost called DH to come home from work. Wednesday was a little better. DH stayed home, made me chicken soup (yep, he rocks!) and Aunty Sandy took Chloe for a sleepover. Thursday Chloe came home full of stories and tales of adventure. She also came home with a fever. We only got in one day of school – but what a day it was!

  • This post links up to Tot School and Preschool Corner– linkups of ideas for you and your tot!
  • Chloe is 47 months, John is 27 months
  • Week #8


  1. I do love the way children learn when they actually get interested in what is being shared. Have to say I have been teaching my girls their letters/sounds. We do a letter of the week (okay, two weeks). I would occasionally try to teach Tabitha to read. I never pushed it though and when she wasn’t interested I backed off. Things are clicking so well for her now.

  2. I can’t wait to have the funds to get the Leapfrog magnets. My niece has them and she really learned her letters well and early. I would love to have a french set too since I’m teaching Sofia as much french as I can. However, I can’t get the phonetic chant out of my head and it’s been years since I’ve heard it!

    • I was seriously blown away by how much they learned by playing with those magnets – both in English and in French. I’m not generally a huge toy/battery/noise fan but I was really impressed with these. Maybe spread the word to friends/family and Sofia could get them for Christmas?

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