Heinz Nurture Samples for Canadians


Sign up for the Heinz Baby Club and receive information and special offers throughout the first year of your baby’s life. Information and offers are customized for each stage of your baby’s development, and arrive right to your front door.

Home Mailings
Our Mailings are delivered every couple of months starting when your baby is about four months old. Our Mailings include valuable coupons, detailed information about our wide variety of jarred foods and cereals, feeding suggestions and guides, and tips on what to expect as your little one gets older. Also, you’ll receive samples and additional special offers right to your front door.

FREE Eco-Friendly Reusable Shopping Bag
Once you sign up for either the Home Mailing or e-newsletter, you are eligible to receive a free Heinz Nurture woven reusable shopping bag! Just check the box below! Each bag includes a Newborn information pamphlet, a growth chart, and a sample of Heinz Nurture infant formula.

Shared compliments of Amy from  Amy Loves It!