Our Beautiful Calling is NOT all about Housework!

Once upon a time I had this crazy and flawed idea that I needed to do everything every day. Each day I would start at one end of the house and try and clean the whole thing. It never never happened (it’s a big house and I have little ones). Each day I was left with the feeling that I was failing in this area. Blame Martha Stewart or society and the stereotypical “perfect housewife” of the 1950’s, or I can just blame it on myself for not viewing my tasks in light of what God’s Word says.

God certainly has given us our houses to look after…but why? To be used as a base-camp, an outreach, a training center, a place to relax/be refreshed, a place that is used to bless our family, others, and ourselves while bringing Glory to God. I’m sure you can think of more things that our houses are. But God intended for our houses to simply be a tool. We ought to keep our houses in order however, with people living in them, they will never be perfect. Is God concerned with our houses or the people in them? It doesn’t bring Him any honor when I am impatient with my children because they are ‘disrupting’ my housecleaning and it doesn’t glorify Him when I am racing around to get the house perfect for when DH comes home so that when he does come home I am flustered and not calm, happy and mentally available to hear about his day. This is an area that I am making progress in but still struggle with!

I have a GraceWorks Planner that has a wonderful page in it with household task suggestions. Having this page in my planner with a set day to work on things assists me in finding balance so that my home is clean but I am still meeting my family’s needs! I’m there to read that story, go for that walk or take time to snuggle. We won’t be taking our houses with us to eternity, but we can take our families. Time is more wisely invested in them. Our Beautiful Calling is about PEOPLE!

In my Beautiful Life Management Planner, the main page has a saying on it “This day will be marked as success in eternity, not by what I accomplish but because I aimed: To Follow Christ radiantly, reflected by a heaven-directed heart, a joyful spirit, a welcome & (increasingly!) orderly home, wise minutes, healthy choices and loving eager relationships.” Each morning I read this and pray that I would use each day to glorify him and not be so busy with my own agenda.

This was actually part of tomorrow’s post however since the post for tomorrow is already lengthy, I thought I would give it a post of it’s own. It is such an important topic. Tomorrow is our last planner post, and Friday our contest opens. Be sure to explore Graceworks so you’re all ready. Hurray!

Thoughts or Comments? Please Share!

Photo from fotosearch


  1. Lovely post.
    I especially like that quote at the bottom.

    Thanks for sharing!

    (Here from UBP. Hope you’re having fun!)

  2. Wow Jen, this post is just what I needed to read! I struggle with this each and every single day! May the Lord bless this ministry you have greatly!

    Teresa Whitehead
    (you inspired me to start my own blog, certainly not as wonderful as yours, but a great way to get your thoughts out!)

  3. Thank you for being who you are Jen, I know neither of us is perfect but it helps to know that someone else is on the same page as me. I need to be rejuvenated in the Spirit and turn my priorities to God rather than earthly things that indeed affect my family.

  4. Thank you for writing such a wonderful post! I needed to read this and am glad the Lord led me to it. It’s easy to look at the Proverbs 31 woman and see all the things she accomplishes each day and not stop and look at the heart of this woman. She does what she does out of love for God and love for others.

  5. What a beautiful reminder of what it means to be a woman after God’s heart in your home. 🙂 Thanks for posting!

  6. Jennifer, thanks for commenting on MY blog, and sharing your post! Once it clicks, once you really open your eyes to being a wife/mom/homemaker, you realize how wonderful and important and NOT SO BAD it all really is!! Peace and God Bless!

  7. […] was was about how Life is All About Relationships; it’s not about possessions, positions, housework…whatever. It’s about people. I’m praying that I will remember that as I go about my days. […]

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