Interesting Links March 2011 Edition

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Parenting on our Knees @ At the Well was a great reminder. I enjoy reading parenting-how-to books and am always looking for new ideas. But really, God provided all the instruction that we truly need in His Word and His real desire is for me to find the wisdom I need on my knees!

But I Don’t Feel Gentle @ (In)courage made me wince as I read it. Ouch. Far too often, especially when I am tired, busy, sick , sore- I’m not gentle. If there is anything at all in life I need to handle gently, it’s these little ones entrusted to me by Him!

30 Ways to Make Today a Good Day @ Marc and Angel Hack Life is something you should go read now. Pick even just one thing and go do it!

Make Your Bed to the Glory of God @ Raising Homemakers

How To Be a More Patient Mom in Just 24 Hours @ Inspired to Action reminded me that sometimes multitasking has consequences!

Sonshiny @ Rejoicing the Heart started out with “Why is it that I feel like I will never live down the things that I have done?” I immediately knew I had to read this post. You see, my teenage years were very tough {my own fault} and rife with poor choices. Sometimes, I battle with my past; letting me forgive myself.

Spring Get Crafty @ Red Ted Art’s Blog had some really, really neat crafts for spring. Many are too old for my littles but they’re pretty neat!

Choose the Better Things @ Raising Homemakers is very much a reminder to myself. I could easily spend the day {every day} cleaning my home. I need to make sure I am choosing the better things!

Creating a Handmade Home @ Simple Mom had some interesting thoughts about buying less but loving what you’ve bought, items having a story and being more quality. While I love the dollar store for some things, I have to think about my money saying “yes” to that company and their procedures/policies.

Have you written or read a great/interesting post lately?

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