My Beautiful Ergo Baby Carrier Arrived…


I was so excited when Hannah emailed me to say that an Ergo was on the way. I was so excited; did I say that already? LOL!  I’ve had limited baby-wearing experience (Snuggli, Hotslings, Bjorn) and up until now, it has been so-so; something I simply did when I needed the convenience of it but it wasn’t all that comfortable for long periods.

The day the Ergo Carrier arrived, I put it on immediately. I was concerned because it looked a little complicated but it is actually very easy to use. (Hurray of or the easy to follow instructions!) I wore John almost all afternoon and vacuumed the house among other things. I was amazed at how a few well it distributed the weight. My husband came home to my happy dance with John giggling behind me.

Over the next few weeks I will put the Ergo to use in our daily life. Watch for the official review where I share how it has worked for our family to help you decide if it is right for yours. I’ll also come back with some better pictures 🙂 I’ve had this carrier a day and already my baby-wearing has gotten exponentially better!

SALE ALERT: I just became a Ergo Baby fan on facebook and found out that they offer gently used Ergo Carriers for sale at great discounts (888-416-4888). It isn’t on their website though. You have to call their office to inquire or order. They also have an auction section.



  1. What a great picture. I am glad you have a carrier that works for you and your little guy.

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