An Adjustment for Better Functioning
A search for the definition of ‘Adjustment’ revealed the following:
A Small Change, A Minor Correction, A Modification
More on Tune-Up Tuesday here.
While we have been looking at the book The Love Dare for a couple weeks, we are going to take a break this week simply because I wanted to share my about a disastrous week and the ‘tune-ups’ I need to do.
Do you ever have a “down day”? I do. I have them a couple times a year. They creep up from nowhere it seems and catch me unaware. They usually last a day or so and then pass. Well, this time it was a week!
My “Down” Week:
I think it started 2 weeks ago. Everything in life was just peachy and I felt like I really had a handle on life. We were attending all church services again, my home was caught up in order, I was tackling my bigger projects like the garage, desk and the yard.
Is it the time of year? Horomones? Belated Baby Blues? Not enough sleep? Then the littles were sick and we missed church. I am also having a tough time getting out to evening and Wednesday night services as the little ones are always tired and grumpy. It also tends to throw them off for a day or so afterwards. I want to attend both services on Sundays, and also the Tuesday ladies bible study and the Wednesday night bible study. I also want to work in the nursery, sing in the Choir and be involved in other things such as clean-up day at church and visitation. I want to be a part of it all and be a contributor.
I want to have my home perfectly in order, I want to be caught up on laundry. I want to have wonderful meals ready for my husband each evening. I want to bless my children, husband and others. I want to have everything caught up on my to-do list.
So when all of this isn’t happening and I am not reaching my own ridiculously high standard, I am setting myself up for failure. It started with one day of “down” and suddenly my focus was no longer up where it should be. I began to focus on all things I wanted to do, all that I haven’t been able to do. Focusing on all the negative things and the areas I feel behind in, I fell into a week long slump.
The Realization:
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit with a new friend. When I left, I pondered our visit and realized that I had just dumped a lot of negativity on this poor woman (which is very uncharacteristic of me)! I was appalled and on the drive home I began to pray.
The Solution:
Why am I dwelling on the fact that I ‘feel’ that I am failing in so many areas? I need to refocus. The Lord knew I would feel incompetent and weak. He wrote this verse for me! I need to do only the things he has called me to do, in HIS strength!
Some Practical Steps:
Remember Right Priorities. God is first. When we forget this (even without intending to), things go sour fast! Evaluate and make sure that your thoughts line up with His thoughts.
Remember Yourself! We tend to put others, and tasks ahead of ourselves. But if you aren’t eating right, getting enough sleep, water, exercise – you’re going to run out of steam fast!
Focus on one task at a time, one day at a time. It’s good to have an idea of what the big picture is but sometimes it can be overwhelming!
Choose 3 small things to accomplish each day. I am guilty of writing out a huge to-do list (which is more of a wish list) and then feeling like I’ve failed at the end of the day when I haven’t accomplished it.
Don’t focus on your failures and weaknesses. Take them to the Lord. When I start focusing on the church services I miss or all the things I am not doing, it brings me down! That is where I am susceptible to all sorts of negative thinking.
Work on big tasks 15 minutes at a time (or each day). Use a timer.
Remember the season you are in and adjust accordingly. Right now my little guy still nurses every 2 2/1 hours+/- at night. My toddler is potty training and still learning to obey. I need to be at home. After talking to my husband, we’ve decided that now is not the season for Wednesday night services. It is too late for our little ones. It is also not the season for ladies bible study, choir or the other things I desire to do. For right now, success will be attending two services on Sunday. Play dates will be limited to 2 per month, library trips are once a month and grocery shopping once a week. This is not to say that I am chained to my home but rather, with the exception of the above, I will strive to be home. My family is my ministry right now and I can best serve and care for myself and them by being home.
Do you have a tune-up you are working on? Leave a comment to let us know or add a direct link to your blog post below to encourage and inspire others. Don’t underestimate the power of accountability – it’s a great motivator!
Thanks for your comment. I also tried to do Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday’s and even another one on Monday nights and Wednesday nights as well. I finally figured out that I just cannot be gone that many days and I would have to do my own Bible study at home. Staying home has definitely helped me and I know that someday will come where I can go to the weekly Bible studies. It is impossible to do it all and you are on the right track! We put too much pressure on ourselves.