mmm…Brussel Sprouts Roasted with Bacon

This week’s focus is Holiday Main Dishes. As you may have gathered if you’ve spent any time reading my blog, I was domestically challenged when we got married. I am slowly learning but for the first couple years of our marriage, my husband did all of the cooking. It has only been in the last year that I am slowly taking over during the week. My husband loves to cook so weekends are still his to create his culinary masterpieces. Why am I telling you this? Because I don’t really have any holiday mains to share unless it encompasses holiday sides as I have yet to cook a holiday main dish. My chef husband always does it and I sous-chef.

The ultimate holiday dish for me (being the veggie lover that I am) is Roasted Brussel Sprouts. Growing up we always ate steamed brussel sprouts at every holiday meal but rarely in between. After watching a cooking show about a year ago, we stepped it up. While I always have loved them – they take on a whole new taste like this! The ultimate brussel sprouts are as follows:

Steamed, then Pan-Fried
Cut your sprouts in half and steam until almost done. While they are steaming, fry up some shallot (or onion) and a little bacon in a pan. When your sprouts are almost done, toss them into the pan with the bacon and let them crisp up. Mmm.

Half them, spread them cut side down on the baking sheet. Drizzle with oil, salt and pepper and roast for 35+/- minutes. They will get crispy and yummy!


  1. Brussel sprouts are one of the veggies I have never cooked. I guess I need to try them!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh yummy! We love them roasted. I’ll bet they are great with bacon — need to try it soon.

  3. I would like to like brussels sprouts, but have never had a good experience. You’ve inspired me, though.

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