Christmas Baking Ideas
What fun we had in December baking, eating and gifting an assortment of delicious treats. We used some tried and true recipes and made a few new ones as well. I thought I’d share a couple websites that were super…
What fun we had in December baking, eating and gifting an assortment of delicious treats. We used some tried and true recipes and made a few new ones as well. I thought I’d share a couple websites that were super…
My daughter loves pie. She’s 13 and she decided to try make pie from scratch on her own during the Covid lockdown this spring. She used Barefoot Contessa’s blueberry pie recipe. Her first pie turned out really great. Some, since…
A picture is worth 1000 words? Maybe. If you were to look at most of the pictures that I email to friends or post online, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that my children are always happy…
Every day is an adventure, but some days an extra special adventure comes along. I’ve been wanting to go turbo tubing down the Grand River for a few years and this year we finally did it; my dad, my oldest…
In our yard, some things grow in containers on the deck and a few others grow in big planters. A strawberry hanging basket provided us with delicious fruit to snack on, and after three years, a pretty good raspberry patch…
Today is an overcast Thursday; warm, but not humid or hot, thankfully. It’s the perfect go-for-a-walk-day. Well, I actually have one child who believes that every day is a go-for-a-walk-day, which is untrue but we go regardless. So I sliced…
We have one of those Cedar Summit playhouse sets in our backyard. The kids have loved it but a year or two years ago John started talking about an actual fort in a tree. I guess time just goes by…
The other day my daughter went picking at a berry farm with her friend and brought home some very ripe strawberries! They’re beautiful, red and so fragrant. One of the first things I think about when looking at a basket…
This year our strawberry patch is simply a hanging basket. It hangs off the railing on the deck outside my bedroom. I have to admit I’m pleasantly surprised at the number of berries that have come off this plant so…
Pondering Life in the Garden With the COVID-19, the world has become a different place. Some areas are harder hit than others with the virus, or with the lockdown restrictions. We live in Southern Ontario, Canada. Our area has had…